Because of why the girls became fat after marriage...
Most women are seen to have become abnormally fat after marriage. Why is this? It is seen not only in our country but throughout the whole world. For various reasons, girls became fat after marriage.
One of the reasons is that before marriage, women's anxiety works, whether marriage will be done properly, how to be a new life, whether everything will be done properly or not. After marriage, there is no emotional pressure. Therefore, uncontrolled eating habits developed as relaxed.
Many girls adhere to solid diet or dietary habits to get interesting figures before marriage. Fatty foods, carbohydrate foods, fast food, they all have 'no'. There is always an urgent need for weight control. But many people can not follow this diet properly after marriage. Unhealthy to eat fried foods and oils. However, it is seen that after the marriage, these types of food are eaten after going to various dawns or at home. Because of this, the weight increased rapidly
After marriage, there is an upside down during sleep and eating, which affects metabolism. So fat starts to grow. After marriage, it becomes difficult for new relationships, new people, gathering all the time to find time for themselves. Then the importance is changed or the priorities change, so that no further attention is given to them, exercise is far away. It's a big reason to go away after marriage.Mental stress also increases fat. After marriage, there are various responsibilities and adjustments. Many of them face difficulties in dealing with them, which are not completely before marriage.
Many girls think that there is no need to exercise separately after doing so much work in the house. But due to this misconception they were fat. There is not too much race for home work, it is difficult to keep the figure beautiful if you do not exercise separately.There are many husbands, who have longed for wife's company for a long time. For whom maybe the wife does not exercise anymore. This is certainly good for mutual understanding. But health is also important. So encourage your husband to exercise with you. Or both of them can be admitted to a gym together.
The lazy people just eat and sleep. There is no other work to keep the body fit and functional. Many people get busy after marriage, and many are so ignorant of themselves that they do not take care of the body. The big reason for weight gain after marriage is this laziness. for more please follow us.
Posted By: B.M. Younus